Crotaphytus collaris
Eastern Collared Lizard

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Other Names: Mountain Boomer
Description: Fairly large, reaching 4.5" SVL and up to 14" TL. The head is large, the tail is long, the back legs are much longer than the front legs. Two black collars are around the neck. Ground color varies among populations with the small granular dorsal scales exhibiting tan, bright green, olive, brown, bluish or yellowish with many light spots and dark crossbands. The belly is whitish. Males are larger than females, their heads are more muscular and are usually more colorful. Color varies from light to bright green, turquoise, or cobalt blue (especially the tail) and, during the breeding season, individuals may develop a yellow head and yellow "socks" around the forelimbs. Females develop orange or rust spots or bars on the sides of the body and neck, which may indicate it is gravid, these fade after eggs are laid. Young males may develop this coloration as well. Darker individuals have been found in lava flows.
Similar Species: Leopard lizards are similar in shape, but do not have a collar. Spiny lizards may have a collar, but never two and have sharply pointed, keeled scales.
Venom: None
Habitat: Prefers rocky habitat.
Behavior: Diurnal, strong baskers. They can be territorial, defending their rock against other lizards. Fast lizards, when approched will usually retreat into a crack. If captured, they will bite and they bite hard!
Hibernation: Hibernate in deep cracks during the cool months
Reproduction: Egg layer, breed in the spring. Lay clutch of 1-13 eggs in early summer, females can produce two clutches in a year.
Diet: Eat a variety of arthropods and even smaller lizards and rodents.
