Tantilla yaquia
Yaqui Black-Headed Snake

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Other Names:
Description: A small snake 7" to 12". Head cap dark brown to black with a white or cream collar 1 to 2 scales wide. Scales smooth. Tan to light brown in body coloration. Whitish below with pink or orange stripe on belly.
Similar Species: Can be distinguished from other snakes with black heads by a white ring that borders the black.
Venom: Venom is delivered to prey via enlarged, grooved teeth in the rear upper jaw (not considered to be dangerous to humans).
Habitat: Chiefly inhabits riparian with sycamore, oak and walnut trees. Attracted to stream bottoms and stream bottoms. Occurring at lower elevation in grassland and scrub.
Behavior: Occasionally nocturnal. Found beneath rocks, logs, boards, dead yuccas, agave and other plant debris.
Reproduction: Lays a clutch of 1-3 eggs.
Diet: Their diet consists spiders scorpions centipedes, crickets, grasshoppers, millipedes. and insect larva.
Authored by: Garth Teitjen
